
Waste & Wastewater Treatment


Watch Scycle in action.

This 2-minute video shows how quickly and effectively Scycle transforms dairy lagoons by reducing organic solids, toxins, and odorous gasses. A weekly 1-2 gallon application of Scycle (per 100 cattle) allows users to preserve lagoon storage capacity without the added cost of solid removal.


“With Scycle, we’re saving at least 20% of our fresh water usage in our flush. There is clear reduction in odor and slippage. Our slope screens are a lot cleaner and able to remove more solids. As mineral deposits and algae start to build, Scycle really breaks it up.”

— Jimmy Manzel, Louie Bettencourt Dairies, Wendell, ID


An independent lab’s 90-day Scycle trial on ten dairy lagoons shows dramatic results:


Tests comparing untreated and Scycle-treated dairy lagoon water were performed by Western Laboratories in Parma, Idaho

Scycle Graph - Dry Matter..jpg
Scycle Graph - Moisture Percent Change..jpg
Scycle Graph - pH Levels..jpg
Scycle Graph - Sodium & Sulfur..jpg
Scycle Graph - Boron, Manganese, Zinc..jpg
Scycle Graph - Magnesium, Potasium, Phosphate..jpg
Scycle Graph - Iron..jpg
Scycle Graph - Copper..jpg
Scycle Graph - Calcium & Nitrogen..jpg
Scycle Graph - Electrical Conductivity..jpg

Scycle Also Treats Your Home Septic Tank